We'll be heading up to Washington state. 

We turned down Corvallis, Oregon and Eugene, Oregon after my dad passed away. We'll be in Kennewick, Washington which is very close to Jake's family and the Columbia River! Our big journey will happen this coming Friday, December 19th. This way we'll be able to spend Christmas with the Brashears!
2. I'll be applying to the FBI.

I already applied for the Portland, Oregon area but because I'm not living there I have to apply where I'm living. I'll start this process after the holidays.
3. In my new spare time I will be using my new Bernina!

I'm super excited to get this thing out of the box!! This isn't my model but it gives you an idea of what a Bernina is and what it can do! I can't wait to hook it up to my computer too! Oh how the fun will begin!
4. Get into shape!
I will spare the pictures but wow...it's about time.
5. Relax!
I'm totally hitting the spa and then the MOUNTAIN! I'm in much sadness that I'll be missing the great and many snowboard trips with my friends this year. And the snow is actually decent! And then we'll miss night tubing...oh how sad. But it's okay. We'll find more friends to introduce it to.
6. Finally buy a stinkin' camera!
I can't post or scrapbook anything if I don't have a camera.
So those are the plans... and they are easy to accomplish! And as my friends slowly migrate back to Henderson, I will be the one to arrange dinner dates around. We'll be back in the Spring!
We used to live in Portland. That area is so pretty, I'm sure you will LOVE Wa. I'm jealous. Go to the beach for me while you are there. Oh, and it so doesn't surprise me that you are applying to the FBI!
Well it sounds like a good plan. I wish you the best of luck with the move. I hope all goes well. I hope you get that camera, santa maybe? lol! Oh ya I will keep you updated on the 12 days of christmas gifts.
There will be ONE person still living in Las Vegas who will be missing you....
Love you both!
That Bernina looks awesome! That's a good way to make some extra money too. sell that stuff on ebay. I bought a blanket that was embroidered on ebay for Austin and it was my FAVORITE blanket ever. I love your goals. I need to make some for myself.
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